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Grass-Fed Collagen Peptides

Regular price $37.99
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  • Reduces joint pain
  • Improves skin health, strength and elasticity
  • Improves digestive health and leaky gut

Collagen is one of the best tools for maintaining joint integrity and reducing joint pain during movement regardless of age. Collagen is also vital for bone health and density, so supplementation is great for athletes at any age to reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

Poor gut health affects every level of the body and can reduce athletic capacity. Collagen proteins promote a healthy mucosal lining of the gut and can even promote healing of leaky gut syndrome. This means better nutrient absorption from foods, improved detoxification, and a lowered stress burden on the body.

Collagen can be taken in water or any other hot or cold beverage, and a single serving daily has therapeutic benefits.


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