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Sea Harvested Fish Oil

Regular price $24.99
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  • Promotes an anti-inflammatory response in the body
  • Benefits joint and skin health
  • Proven heart health benefits and reduced triglyceride levels

Adequate omega-3 fatty acid intake levels are a crucial part of the body’s ability to regulate inflammation. While athletes can limit their intake of omega-6 and omega-9 fatty acids, ensuring the regular consumption of omega-3 fatty acids improves heart health, joint damage, mental health and reduces overall inflammation in the body. Research shows that high levels of Omega-6 fatty acids relative to Omega-3 fatty acids are linked to chronic diseases like heart disease and insulin resistance.

All fish oils are not created equal. Both quality and dosing is important for reaping the benefits of omega-3 fat intake to balance out omega-3’s to omega-6’s.


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